We provide round-the-clock, unlimited support to ensure our customers have assistance whenever they need it for peace of mind.
Our "We Do as We Say" commitment means we stand by our promises, deadlines, and quality standards in telco tower installations. This builds trust with our clients, ensuring they can rely on us for their critical telecom infrastructure needs. Consistency, transparency, and accountability are at the core of our success in the telecommunications sector.
We provide a supportive workplace for our staff while providing sustainable and effective solutions for our clients.
Fostering a healthy culture at Total Telco Solutions is about creating an environment where our employees feel valued and empowered. This not only boosts team morale but also enhances productivity, ensuring our telco tower installations are completed efficiently. It also reflects our commitment to safety and well-being in a demanding industry.
Total Telco Solutions was founded by Daniel Green in 2016, initially operating from his garage located in Mac Master's Beach. With only $2,000 to his name, an acquaintance introduced him to a year-long subcontracting project. Recognising the potential, he seized the opportunity and embarked on the journey of establishing Total Telco Solutions.
Drawing upon his extensive network, he reached out to former colleagues and bosses and began securing numerous projects on building sites. In a remarkably short period of time, the demand for services grew exponentially, necessitating the expansion of the team.
In a short amount of time, Total Telco Solutions found itself managed multiple teams and site construction projects at once, in addition to our subcontractors.
Daniel's two decades of industry experience played a pivotal role in capitalising on this venture.
Today, Total Telco Solutions boasts a national presence, offering comprehensive end-to-end services to a diverse clientele.
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